Monday, 24 December 2018


This year GEMOLOGUE is bringing you a special gift!

Christmas is the spirit of giving without a thought of getting. It is forgetting self and finding time for others. It is discarding the meaningless and stressing the true values. Following GEMOLOGUE Christmas tradition, I have prepared a Christmas present for all my jewellery lovers: a challenge for those of you that are ardent lovers of all the sparkly gems… DIAMONDS! 

Be the first person to solve GEMOLOGUE jewellery crossword by New Year’s Eve and you will receive something extra special from me! Solve the crossword and email your answers to with CROSSWORD in the subject line! Best of luck to you all and Merry Christmas!

Download Diamond Crossword.

Extra bonus points to  those, who solve my previous Gemstone Crossword and Pearl Crossword as well.

I am extremely happy to announce that my new jewelry book – GEMOLOGUE: Street Jewellery Styles & Styling Tips – is now on Amazon. I’m so excited. It’s the first book of its kind solely dedicated to jewellery. 

You can sign up for GEMOLOGUE newsletter below and I also share  jewellery on InstagramTwitterFacebook  and Youtube if you’d like to connect, or feel free to say hello


GEMOLOGUE jewelry blog by Liza Urla is a celebration of fine, fashion and vintage jewellery featuring talented jewellery designers, trendy urban street style, exclusive interviews and rare jewellery reviews. This jewellery blog’s goal is to encourage and educate about jewellery online in a fresh and original fashion to inspire women and men across the globe in a fashion and travelling context.

Jewellery blogger, writer Liza Urla, the founder of GEMOLOGUE, is a London-based and NYC-educated gemologist, who has travelled to and lived in many countries. She is now one of the most influential digital jewellery tastemakers. Her jewellery influence has been acknowledged by Financial Times, The New York Times, Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar.

*Styling and art direction by Liza Urla. All photos belong to GEM Kreatives for GEMOLOGUE.

Material on this website may not be copied, broadcasted or adapted without written consent.

The post HOLIDAY DIAMOND GEM CROSSWORD appeared first on Gemologue.


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